Saturday, November 14, 2009

First Congregational Church November 15, 2009 Bulletin

Conservative Congregational Christian Conference
10385 Main Street, North Collins, New York 14111

337-9811 Church Office / 337-4303 Parsonage
Pastor / Teacher Derek S. Yoder

Sunday School 9:30 am ▪ Family Worship Service 10:45 am

Welcome and Announcements
Choral Introit ………………………………………………………………………………………… He Is Our Peace

*Call to Worship Responsive Reading #17 (pg. 750) ………………… Joyful Worship
*Hymn of Adoration & Praise #18 …………………………………………… All Hail The Power*Invocation

Worship Through Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs
*Chorus #175 ………………………………………………………………………………… Bless His Holy Name
*Chorus #177 ………………………………………………………………………… Come And Sing Praises
*Chorus #8 ……………………………………………………………………………………… Awesome In Power

Scripture Lessons
Old Testament (Prophet)……………………… 2 Samuel 18:19-33 (Pew Bible pg.501-502)
New Testament (Apostle)…………………………… Colossians 3:1-11 (Pew Bible pg. 1834)

Fellowship of Welcome

Children’s Sermon …………………………………………………………………………………… Derek Yoder

*Hymn of Faith #442 …………………………………………………………… Jesus, Saviour, Pilot Me

Prayer Requests and Testimonies
Pastoral Prayer
Tithes and Offerings – On Communion Sundays, our 2nd offering helps support he benevolent ministries of the Diaconate
*Doxology C (inside front cover of hymnal) …………………………………… Gloria Patri

Celebration of the Lord’s Supper
*Hymn of Thanksgiving #328 ……………………………………… Blest Be the Tie That Binds
Postlude *Congregation invited to stand

Trustee: Lynda Francis Nursery: Alice Yoder

Get the most out of the service by asking about our special listening devises.²
Pick up one in the back or see an usher for help. If yours isn’t working property, don’t be bashful about raising your hand to ask for assistance.


Tuesday, November 17th

The North Collins Wesleyan Church will show “The Story of Ruth”. This recorded production is adapted from the stage performance at the “Sight & Sound Theatre” in Lancaster, PA. It comes highly recommended!

Ladies Bible Study at Evie Mann’s home in Eden. If you’re looking for more study, encouragement, and prayer in your life, consider joining the study of the gospel of Mark. They meet at 7:30 pm. See Alice for more details.

Wednesday, November 18th
Choir practice at the church at 6:00 pm.

Bible Study & Prayer Meeting at 7:00 pm. Join us as we begin a new study in 1 Corinthians with a new format (prepared workbooks by the author). Join us for a fresh, new season of study. It’s a great time to join us!

We hope you can join us after today’s service for a Thanksgiving-style Harvest Dinner to celebrate God’s abundant provision. Turkey will be provided, but be thinking about a “favorite” food that symbolizes to you God’s special provision of love and blessing. We’ll have opportunity to sing together, enjoy special music, and share testimonies around the tables.

The church’s financial statement for October 2009 is posted for review in the office over the copy machine.

1 comment:

  1. It is certainly interesting for me to read the article. Thanks for it. I like such topics and everything connected to them. I would like to read more soon.
